Faith trip like no other!!

Faith trip like no other!!

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Saturday June 30: God’s Hope Changes Everything

Today was a challenging day. God is great and hope abounds! The day was started off by a wonderful meal at Golden Corral and we all ate interesting “breakfast” food as we ate a very early brunch. Kids and adults alike enjoyed everything from omelets and pancakes to spinach salads and icecream for dessert! After eating we went to our synod day and worshipped with the approximately 1000 other SW Minnesota synod members. The activities and introductions between different congregations was great and we met a lot of other Lutherans from our area. We then left and drove to the NRG center for more interactive learning. The building has the equivalent of 12 football fields so as you can imagine there is a lot of activities. Ask a FLY member what the most exciting or interesting was for him/her. Worship was great. The speakers brought forth interesting and thoughtful issues. We did not all agree with the viewpoints, but got the message that GOD IS A LOVING GOD! He asks us to accept all people as he accepts us- flaws and sins included. I cannot judge or tell someone who isn’t like me and still expect God to accept me as I am. I too am flawed! We found out that one of our busses broke down and will be unable to be repaired in time to get us home! The good news is that we should all be able to fit in the other bus and SW Coaches will have another bus for us at our stop tomorrow (actually as I write this tonight!!). Lord grant us patience and perseverance and good sleep! Steve’s group

Tenth Avenue North Concert!

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